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FairHope Notes Greeting Cards - JOIN NOW!

YES! Please send me my first shipment of 12 FairHope Notes greeting cards, 2 bookmarks and 3 wallet cards, my FREE DEVOTIONAL BOOK and the FREE Blessings newsletter. I understand my credit card will be billed just $14.95, plus $3.99 shipping and handling. I also understand I will receive 12 all-new cards approximately every 8 weeks at the same low price. There is no minimum number of sets to buy and I may cancel at any time. Future shipments will be billed to my credit card. The FREE BOOK is mine to keep no matter what.

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  • FairHope Notes Greeting Cards
    $14.95 + $3.99 Shipping and Handling
  • Total (USD) $18.94

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*Applicable sales or use tax will be billed. Offer valid in the US only.

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